Paintings Catalogue
To register interest for a specific painting, please reach out to the gallery email address listed beside the work.
For questions and detail images:
Arcadia & The Coat Of Dreams
Oil, collected earth, raw pigment, mica, wax on canvas
121.9 x 121.9 cm
48 x 48 in
£ 4,900.00
Oil paint, interference, wax, juniper, temple oil, trampas earth, mica on linen
48 x 40 in
£ 4,700.00
Nirvana, The Waterfall
Oil, natural pigment, collected earth, chili, wax, temple oil on linen
38 x 27 inches
Night Sphinx
Guardians of the Ravine
Oil paint, earth, sand, juniper, raw pigment, temple and creosote oil on linen
101.6 x 91.4 cm
40 x 36 in
£ 4,300.00
Oil, juniper, natural pigment, chili, collected earth, temple oil on linen
60 x 48 inches
Monastery of the Heart
Monsoon Heaven
Oil paint, earth pigment, wax, creosote oil on linen
91.4 x 61 cm
36 x 24 in
£ 4,000.00
Oil, juniper, natural pigment, collected earth, temple oil on linen
60 x 48 inches
If I Were A Reed And The Sky Was A River
Oil, wax, earth, mica on linen
40.6 x 30.5 cm
16 x 12 in
£ 2,150.00
Pilgrimage in Deep Time
Oil, pigment, wax on canvas
57 × 57 inches
Inquire for price
Nowhere Else (Building the world we dream of)
Oil, acrylic, gel medium, embroidery on canvas
60 x 63 inches
£ 5,950.00
Rose Window
Oil, earth, chili, wax, raw pigment on linen
38 x 27 inches
Potencia's Gift
Oil, earth, chili, wax, raw pigment on linen
38 x 27 inches
Pink Room, Dawn (After Bonnard & Monet)
Oil, wax, chimayo chili, collected earth, raw pigment, interference on linen
42 x 36 inches$4,950
Dusk (Venus)
Oil, raw pigment, pastel, wax on canvas
42 x 36 inches
The House Protects The Dreamer
Oil and wax on wood panel
16 x 12 inches
In The Secret Country Where The Solitary Mind Exists
Oil, mica, collected earth, mica, ash, wax on linen
38 x 27 inches
Blue Madonna
Oil, raw pigment, turmeric, sand, wax on linen
42 x 36 inches
Return to the Island
Oil, wax, chili on wood panel
16 x 12 inches
All images copyright Margaret R. Thompson 2024